Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Crochet Bracelet

I was reading Paul's blog and I came across this bracelet that he made (his apple pie caught my curiosity at first). Suddenly I had that crazy desire to want to do one too. So I went to this website that he mentioned : Future Girl and crocheted a bracelet. I didn't have any light coloured beads that could go throught the only crochet thread that I had so i had to make do with some grey and purple glass beads on maroon thread. Sadly the beads cannot be seen clearly in this photo. But all in all I am happy that I managed to do it. I think I may go out and get me some white crochet thread and definitly some reasonably sized light coloured beads that can be strung through whatever needles I have.

Oh Paul if you are reading this ........bring on the apple pie mate! I love apple pies and strawberries and raspberry cheesecake and...............

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha

    You tried the recipe the other day right? I'm glad it worked for you!

    And the bracelet looks fine!
