Stitching Bee
Venue: Starbucks, BBV II
Present:Anna,Alynn & DD,Rose,Veronica,Janet,Janet's DD,Janet's Niece,Margaret, Margaret's DD,Jackie, Lily,Mel,Sabariah,June...Hope I DIDN'T MISS OUT ANYBODY.
Absent : Nik (got exams today - poor thing!), Paul, Usha
- Chatter, Natter, Lotsa Laughter
- Show of projects/WIPs
- Browse MW's new cross stitch books - so European and so expensive
- Sale of old CS&C Mags by yours truly. Alynn and Janet bought 5 so they each got one issue free, MW bought 2 issues - thanks a bunch gurls.
- Snack on cupcakes from Alynn and carrot cake from Anna
-Did Jar exchange: 5 members took part. I got Janet's, Mel got Paul's, Paul got mine, Alynn got Mel's (much to my envy cos there were lots of yummy buttons) and Janet got Alynn's jar.
PS: Mel gave me some buttons too.
- MW distributed Diane's gift of DMC threads to all present. Thanks alot Diane, they are lovely - variegated, silk, metallic and rayon.
Sorry no pictures of us enjoying ourselves thoroughly but you can feast your eyes on the floss and button!
Bee ended at 2pm.
Can't wait for the next meet....